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Member of the federation
of the real estate
managers Saxonia-Anhalt
registered association
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Real Estate Service 

Building management and all other on our side represented achievements and activities are to be assigned to Facility management. Facility management is a term, by which many people do not understand the details of the meaning. To express by means it is a task of management available during the entire period of the property to understood to keep the goal of accordingly optimal use.
We offer the complete Facility/building management. For all technical issues of the property we do coordinate the right company in charge for maintenance, and if necessary we take care of all kind of repair. New installations are to be covered with additionally monitoring and warranty claims. On basis of activities of many years within the commercial, technical and infrastructural range we do have the necessary authority.
With implementation of Facility managements you receive transparency of your property regarding costs, energy consumption and much more.



Gesellschaft für Grundbesitz mbH

Haeckelstr. 9a

39104 Magdeburg
phone  03 91 / 5 61 98 30 fax  03 91 / 5 61 98 29 mail
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